Saturday, May 20, 2006

'beach trip'

Looking at the wicklow mtns. from the beach on Vicor rd.

Me at the beach

A regatta in Dublin Bay

Joyce's Castle, the one mentioned in the beginning of his Ulysses.

After the late night out, I actually woke up quite rested, went to work out, then got a fahjita, then came back and watched some tv. Then around 2ish, Dee picked me up and we went driving along the coast, getting out to walk along the pier in the Dublin bay. It was kinda windy, but really nice. Then we got, what was explained to me as an Irish staple, a Teddy's ice cream cone. It was yummy. Then we went driving along Vicor Rd. which is where all the big shot rich people live (including bono), and even though we got lost for a while, it was still a relaxing afternoon and a great break from the library.


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